I'm now booking for my October 2013 West Coast At The Seams Album Release Tour. I am an independent artist and I do all my own booking, so your help can make a big difference!
Are you in California, Washington or Oregon? Do you have connections to music venues or musicians? Would you like to setup a show for me in your area?
I'm particularly interested in playing at listening rooms, house shows, colleges, and places that frequently host acoustic music and singer-songwriters. Please e-mail me if you have ideas.
Help Get Press Coverage for At The Seams
Also, I'll soon be sending out advance copies of At The Seams to the press. Here's how you can help my first album gain a wider audience:
Do you or someone you know have connections to people in the music press, music blogs or radio shows? Please e-mail me and let me know -- I do much of my own publicity, so your help will really have an impact as I start sending CD's out to try to get reviews and interviews.
Are you in California, Washington or Oregon? Do you have connections to music venues or musicians? Would you like to setup a show for me in your area?
I'm particularly interested in playing at listening rooms, house shows, colleges, and places that frequently host acoustic music and singer-songwriters. Please e-mail me if you have ideas.
Help Get Press Coverage for At The Seams
Also, I'll soon be sending out advance copies of At The Seams to the press. Here's how you can help my first album gain a wider audience:
Do you or someone you know have connections to people in the music press, music blogs or radio shows? Please e-mail me and let me know -- I do much of my own publicity, so your help will really have an impact as I start sending CD's out to try to get reviews and interviews.