Intermediate Songwriting - Online Class 50% Deposit
The class fee is on a sliding scale, and payment is due in two installments:
- 50% deposit when you register
- 50% on the first day of class
At Cost: $350 (Unlimited spots)
This is the true cost of the class, and the rate I need most people to pay in order to cover my costs and pay myself a living wage. Consider paying this amount if doing so would be an investment, but not create hardship for you. You might choose this rate if you are regularly able to meet your basic needs (food, housing, healthcare, transportation, childcare) and have some expendable income, you can travel every few years without burden, and/or you have some debt but are able to pay it regularly.
A Bit More: $450 (Unlimited spots)
This is a pay-it-forward rate. The extra money helps me offer a lower rate to folks who need it to participate. It's an opportunity to not only take this class, but also support your fellow community members in doing so too. Sweet! Please consider paying this amount if you are comfortably able to meet your basic needs (food, housing, healthcare, transportation, childcare), own the home your live in or rent a higher end property, have access to financial savings and/or investments, have paid or pay for private education, have reliable work or do not need to work to meet your needs, have inherited wealth, and/or can afford to travel every year.
A Bit Less: $250 (3 spots)
This is a discounted rate. Consider paying this amount if you have limited expendable income, little or no savings, significant debt, and little or no access to financial support from family.
Pay-What-You-Can: $100 - $200 (2 spots)
Two pay-what-you-can spots are available in this class. If you are Black, Indigenous, a Person of Color, a trans woman, and/or a trans femme and paying more would be a hardship, this rate is for you.
I am grateful to Alexis J. Cunningfolk of Worts and Cunning Apothecary and Hadassah Damien of Ride Free Fearless Money for inspiring my approach to sliding scale.